by Chris Johnson (airwindows)
ConsoleX is Airwindows’ most advanced console system, designed to work like traditional Big Consoles but entirely in the box. Built as a channel and buss plugin system, it uses Kalman filtering, multiband dynamics, parametric EQ and comes with a Reaper script to use the faders for Airwindowmation (color-coded fader assigning).
The ConsoleX controller makes a very complex system of mix controls immediate and accessible, and since it’s a big fancy controller, future Airwindows Console systems for different genres and purposes willbe designed around the same controller, letting you re-use your hardware with the new software! Next up is ConsoleH, for hip-hop sound reinvention, and you’ll be able to mix and match channel types on the same controller.
There is a smaller controller alternative designed by Chris as well. Check it out and customize at the Factory by clicking here.
In Chris’s own words:
This is a controller for the Airwindows ConsoleX system, which can be used for either the modern GUI version or the retro VST2/AU version. ConsoleX is free and open source, and Chris (from Airwindows) doesn’t profit by the sale of these controllers: they’re purely Yaeltex, and both Chris and Yaeltex encourage you to further customize your controller in Yaeltex Factory before ordering your own, even if it’s just renaming it or changing the font, labels, or supplying a background image. Chris’s ConsoleX (as shown) uses colored tape to customize all the knobs: colored tape is not included but is a fun DIY project. The big ConsoleX controller can run the Reaper script ‘Airwindowmation’ to control all channels of a given color, assigned in mix on the fly.
The smaller controller (link below) still includes all ConsoleX controls but uses one knob for the ConsoleX fader. Set this up to modify the tone controls on a selected channel or channels. If you don’t know what this is or what ConsoleX is, try it and see if you’d want a controller for it. Or, if you can think up other ways to use a giant channel strip with joysticks for the usual parametric EQ controls, go ahead!
- Hackable and Open source firmware
- Handmade wood case
- 2 mm aluminum front panel
- USB MIDI (Plug and Play/Class Compliant) – Reprogrammable
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